Convergence Journalism

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Convergence Journalism by Mind Map: Convergence Journalism

1. What is Convergence?

1.1. Convergence Journalism is multimedia journalism across multiple platforms and mediums. In the department, students focus on producing news and content on the medium and platform that best fits a specific audience.

1.1.1. Convergence journalism teaches students how to produce news and content in a more impactful way using multiple mediums to tell a stronger story.

1.1.2. The program focuses on training students to use, produce news and be involved with emerging media platforms such as tablet applications and social media.

1.2. Convergence is the School of Journalism's first new major in more than 50 years.

2. What is it like to be a Convergence student?

2.1. Convergence students take required core courses in multimedia reporting and producing. To learn more about what students learn in the core Convergence courses, click on the arrow.

2.1.1. During their first semesters in the interest area, students produce multimedia and multiplatform content for a variety of the School of Journalism's affiliates–The Columbia Missourian, KBIA News, KOMU-TV, Vox Magazine, Newsy, Missouri Business Alert, Global Journalist and the Reynolds Journalism Institute. To view all of the outlets Convergence students work at, click the arrow.

2.2. Convergence students work at a variety of news and communication outlets with the Missouri School of Journalism, specializing in producing multiple types of content. There are many different interest areas students can choose from after beginning coursework in Convergence.

2.2.1. Convergence Photojournalism

2.2.2. Convergence Radio Reporting and Producing

2.2.3. Convergence Television Reporting

2.2.4. Emerging Media

2.2.5. Entrepreneurial Journalism

2.2.6. International Journalism

2.2.7. Sports Journalism

2.2.8. Data Journalism

2.2.9. Science and Health Journalism

2.2.10. To view more interest area options, click the arrow.

3. Examples of work

3.1. Convergence students have the opportunity to work with high profile media outlets during their coursework and capstone projects.

3.1.1. Three students conducted a research and business plan for the new wearable from Apple as part of their Convergence capstone. To learn more, click the arrow.

3.1.2. A group of students worked with the Interactive department at the Associated Press to produce an interactive investigative story about a construction project in New York City. To learn more, click the arrow.

3.1.3. To view more Convergence students' work, click the arrow to the Convergence website.