Mobile Apps to Support Bloom's Revised Taxonomy
by Stacey Kottman
1. Appyling
1.1. Smart Voice Recorder, - This app allows audio to be easily recorded and replayed. This would be great for students with learning disabilities--they could record what their teacher is saying and then replay as needed. The main focus of this app is audio recording.
1.2. Screencast-O-Matic, -Allows users to capture what is being displayed on their screen. Students could use this to create videos for presentations or teachers could use it to demonstrate different applications for students to watch for review.
1.3. Sketchbook Pro, -This app allows users to draw sketches and edit photos. Users can also video the process of their drawing. This app could be used by students to draw models and designs or sketch out plans for a project.
2. Creating
2.1. Kids Story Builder, -Users are able to create personalized, exciting stories using real photos and voices. Students could quickly put together a video for a class project.
2.2. Movie Moments, -This app provides the capability to trim and edit videos. Users can add effects, captions, and music to enhance videos. This app is different than Kids Story because it focuses on editing prerecorded videos instead of making new videos.
2.3. Wordsalad, - This app allows users to create word clouds in a creative way. This app allows word clouds to be customized to allow certain topics and words to standout. This is a great app for brainstorming or categorizing.
3. Remembering
3.1. MindMaple, -This app helps users to map out ideas and thoughts in a creative way that will help them remember the information. This app uses a map format to help organize notes for studying and planning.
3.2. Flash My Brain, -This app allows users to turn notes and other material into flash cards. This can be used by individual students for studying or as a review in class.
3.3. InStapaper, -This app allows users to save an article or notes to read it later without needing wifi or Internet connection. This allows users to have their notes and other relevant information whenever they may be.
3.4. iStudiez Pro, -This app will send reminders of due dates and important tasks. This app focuses more on reminding students of when tasks are approaching to help them with time management.
4. Analyzing
4.1. Simple Outliner, -This app aids in creating, collecting and organizing information quickly to make it easier to analyze. This app focuses on keeping things simple and easy to use.
4.2. TED, -This app gives its users access to cutting-edge and thought-provoking videos. Students can listen to and analyze information, thoughts, and ideas from the lectures.
4.3. OneNote, -This app is a digital notebook that is for note-taking, making to-do-lists, and sketching ideas. This app could help users organize and analyze content. It is similar to Simple Outliner but offers more, such as searching and sharing information.