1. Ethics
1.1. Ethical?
1.1.1. Credit where credit is due
1.1.2. Providing a real account - without editing
1.1.3. Not pushing an agenda
1.1.4. Equality amongst sexes
1.2. Non-Ethic?
1.2.1. Publicised and advertised drug use / miss-use
1.2.2. Forcing an oppinion on the viewer
1.2.3. Adverse conflict resolution methods
1.2.4. Promotes irresponsible behaviours
1.2.5. Desperate grab for ratings (at any cost)
1.2.6. Excluded or segregated due to sexual orientation
2. Corrupt?
2.1. willingness to act dishonestly
2.2. Personal gain (not for the viewer)
2.3. Ulterior motives
2.3.1. Sales
2.3.2. Products
3. Issues
3.1. Over exaggerated
3.2. Romanticising
3.3. Glorifying issues
3.4. A 'Constructed Reality'
3.5. Effect on society
3.5.1. False expectations
3.5.2. Encouranges selfish behaviours
3.5.3. Degrades family values
3.5.4. Unrealistic expectations/goals Potential body issues Timeframes Construction Cooking Fitness / Body
3.5.5. False sense of confidence Unjustified thinking False impressions put onto them