Tanzania tutor course - 2nd half

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Tanzania tutor course - 2nd half by Mind Map: Tanzania tutor course - 2nd half

1. 6. Preparation/Departure

1.1. 6.1 - Weekly meetings

1.2. 6.2 - Final pre-departure meeting

1.3. 6.3 - Pre-departure checks

1.4. 6.4 - Stages of departure

1.5. 6.5 - Knowledge check

2. 7. Supporting local communities

2.1. 7.1 - Service projects history

2.2. 7.2 - Service projects options

2.3. 7.3 - Fundraising overview

2.4. 7.4 - Fundraising organisation

2.5. 7.5 - Fundraising ideas

2.6. 7.6 - Impact - Seeway 1

2.7. 7.7 - Impact - Seeway 2

2.8. 7.8 - Impact - Smokeless Stoves

2.9. 7.9 - Knowledge check - 1

2.10. 7.10 - Knowledge check - 2

3. 8. The blended experience

3.1. 8.1 - Global Campus Online 1

3.2. 8.2 - Nord Anglia University

3.3. 8.3 - Useful websites

4. Quiz

4.1. 9.1 - Introduction

4.2. 9.2 - Q1

4.3. 9.3 - Q2

4.4. 9.4 - Q3

4.5. 9.5 - Q4

4.6. 9.6 - Q5

4.7. 9.7 - Q6

4.8. 9.8 - Q7

4.9. 9.9 - Q8

4.10. 9.10 - Q9

4.11. 9.11 - Q10

4.12. 9.12 - Results

5. Next steps

5.1. 10.1 - Next steps