Genetically Modified food

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Genetically Modified food by Mind Map: Genetically Modified food

1. unknown health issues

1.1. illnesses coming up years later

1.2. length of testing

1.3. who are they testing

1.4. genterations

2. too many people to feed

2.1. not enough farming space as a country gets too over populated

2.2. living longer

2.3. bigger building, not vegies

2.4. cutting down trees

3. improving malnutrion

3.1. increase vitiams

3.2. will they be able to afford the changed food to eat it

3.3. increase life in poverty sticken nations

4. Plants were created to a particular job

4.1. changing the environment may have consequences

4.2. weeds, tree de-oxinates the carboins (check correct words) will these plants still do so

4.3. Changing plants to spray weeds

4.4. soil quality

4.5. taste of food