DMM Chapter 2

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DMM Chapter 2 por Mind Map: DMM Chapter 2

1. 4 basic stages in multimedia project: planning&costing, designing&producing, testing(Alpha Testing&Beta Testing) and delivering.

1.1. Alpha Testing: Often performed only by users within the organization developing the software as a form of internal acceptance testing

1.1.1. Beta Testing: The product is evaluated just before the final release.

2. Main roles in the team

2.1. 1. Project Manager: the leader of a project , oversee the entire project. Responsible for overall development, implementation of the project and day to day operations.

2.1.1. 2. Multimedia Designer: Looks at the overall content of a project, creates a structure for the content. 3. Interface Designer: In charge of designing each screen or page interface that lets the user access or modify the content- simplicity. 4. Writer: Create characters and actors' narrations and write text screens to deliver message.

3. Types of Authoring tools

3.1. 1. Card-and page-based authoring tools : Multimedia elements are arranged like pages of a book or cards in a stack. E.g : LiveCode.

3.1.1. 2. Icon-and object-based authoring tools : provide a visual programming approach to organizing and presenting multimedia application. 3. Time-based authoring tools : the elements of the program are organized along a time line.

4. Choosing an authoring tool

4.1. Editing and organizing features, Programming features, interactivity features, performance tuning and playback features, delivery, cross-platform, and internet playability features.

5. Connections : 1. Integrated Drive Electronics(IDE), 2. Universal Serial Bus(USB), 3. FireWire(IEEE 1394).

5.1. 1. IDE is a standard interface for connecting a motherboard to storage devices such as hard drives and CD-ROM / DVD drives.

5.1.1. 2. USB is most popular connection used to connect  a computer to devices such as digital cameras, printers, scanners, and external hard drives. 3. FireWire for connecting devices to personal computer and provides a single plug-and-socket connection on which up to 63 devices.

6. Memory and storage devices

6.1. RAM : Volatile stage and enables the simultaneous running of many applications

6.1.1. ROM : It is nonvolatile storage. The BIOS program that boots up the computer resides in the ROM.

6.2. Input devices : Microphones and Digital cameras.

6.2.1. Output devices : Stereo, Monitor, Projector, Printer.

7. An authoring tool is a software package which allow develops to :

7.1. Organize and edit the multimedia elements of multimedia project.

7.1.1. Design screen layouts(interface) using templates. Create interactivity and assembling diverse multimedia elements into a single, cohesive product.