Greenpreneur Resource Map

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Greenpreneur Resource Map by Mind Map: Greenpreneur Resource Map

1. Books

1.1. 75 Green Businesses You Can Start to Make Money and Make A Difference Paperback – August 1, 2008 by Glenn Croston (Author)

1.2. Work Like Nature: Sustainability lessons from ecosystems for your job or business Kindle Edition by Lea Elliott (Author)

1.3. Greening the South African Economy - Mark Swilling et al

1.4. Terra Nova: The New World After Oil, Cars, and Suburbs - by Eric W. Sanderson


2.1. Circular

2.1.1. Ellen McArthur Foundation

3. Opportunity Spaces

3.1. green businesses

3.1.1. * small wind-turbine installer

3.1.2. * Green chief sustainability officer

3.1.3. * Philanthropy management

3.1.4. * Building green homes and businesses

3.1.5. * fab green prefabs

3.1.6. * Green building certification

3.1.7. * Paperless office consultant

3.1.8. * Sell or manufacture reusable shopping totes

3.1.9. * Eco-friendly and healthy fast food

3.1.10. * Home food safety testing kits

3.1.11. * Green bed & breakfast

3.1.12. * Green car dealership

3.1.13. * Gas free gardening

3.1.14. * Green cafes


3.2.1. Agriculture

3.2.2. Energy

3.2.3. Manufacturing

3.2.4. Transport

3.2.5. Tourism

3.2.6. Water

3.2.7. Waste

4. Policy

4.1. Green Strategies by Government

4.1.1. Gauteng Green strategic Programme for Gauteng

4.1.2. Western Cape Green Economy Strategy Framework

4.2. NPO's

4.2.1. The Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE)