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Game af Mind Map: Game

1. Obstacles placement

2. Credit Screen

2.1. Visuals

2.1.1. enter screen transition animation

2.1.2. name and roles display

2.1.3. source credit display

2.1.4. back button - neutral state

2.1.5. back button - mouse over state

2.1.6. back button - hit state + animation

2.1.7. Background graphics

2.1.8. exit screen animation

2.2. Sound

2.2.1. BGM

2.2.2. back button - mouse over sound fx

2.2.3. back button - hit sound fx

2.3. Usability

2.3.1. back button can  be clearly seen

2.3.2. back button position  at lower right / lower left of scrren

2.4. Functionality

2.4.1. Back Button

3. Gameplay Screen

3.1. Visuals- non-diegetic UI

3.1.1. HP bar

3.1.2. HP BAR / icons decrease feedback animation

3.1.3. Hp bar / icons increase feedback animation

3.1.4. SKill / MP bar

3.1.5. Skill / MP bar decrease feedback animation

3.1.6. skill / mp bar to increase feedback animation

3.1.7. Switch skills icon

3.1.8. score display

3.1.9. money credits display + icon

3.1.10. collectables display + icon

3.1.11. obtain collectables feedback animation

3.2. Visuals Spatial UI

3.2.1. character damage number display + animation

3.2.2. enemy damage number display + animation

3.2.3. character emotions icons

3.3. Usability

3.3.1. Hp bar/icons contrast from all types of background

3.3.2. Skill / MP bar contrast from all types of background

3.3.3. HP bar/icons + skill/mp bar height is about 1/5 of screen height

3.3.4. HP bar/icons + skill/mp bar width is about 1/3 of screen

3.3.5. switch skill icons contrast from all types of background

3.3.6. Score display contrast from all types of background

3.3.7. money credits display + icons contrast from all types of background

3.3.8. collectables display + icons contrast from all types of background

3.3.9. UI is layout with reference to rules of third

3.3.10. Ui is layout with consideration user reading order

3.3.11. damage number display contrasts fromm all types of background

3.4. Functionality

3.4.1. hp bar/ icon will increase/decrease with gameplay

3.4.2. skill / mp bar will increase/decrease with gaameplay

3.4.3. skill icons can be switched//toggled

3.4.4. score display updates with gameplay

3.4.5. money credits display updates with gameplay

3.4.6. collectable display updates with gameplay

4. IN game general

4.1. Design

4.1.1. LEvel 1 layout

4.1.2. level 2 layout

4.1.3. level 3 layout

4.1.4. level 1 enemies placement

4.1.5. level 2 enemies placement

4.1.6. level 3 enemies placement

4.1.7. level 1 layout

4.1.8. level 2 layout

4.1.9. level 3 layout

4.2. Visuals - Ingame

4.2.1. Character asset - start stage animation

4.2.2. Character asse - idle state + animationt

4.2.3. Character asset - walk starte + animation

4.2.4. Character asset - jump state + animation

4.2.5. Character asset - damage state + animation

4.2.6. Character asset - dying state + aniamtion

4.2.7. Character asset -statues effect state + animation

4.2.8. Character asset - attack state + animation

4.2.9. Character asset- air attack state + animation

4.2.10. Character asset - damage special fx feedback animation

4.2.11. Character asset - walk special fx feedback animation

4.2.12. Character asset - attack special fx feedback animation

4.2.13. Character asset - fall special fx feedback animation

4.2.14. Character asset -inivicilbity animation

4.2.15. Collectable graphics

4.2.16. collectables state special fx animation

4.2.17. Character collects collectables special fx animation

4.3. USability

4.3.1. Character is centralised in the middle column

4.3.2. character is position along the lower line in rules of third

4.3.3. there is sufficient space on the sides for player to see enemies/obstacles

4.3.4. character invincibility last 3 secs

4.4. Functionality

4.4.1. movement and action correspond to correct keys

4.4.2. Character hp decrease according to damage figure when hit

4.5. Sound

4.5.1. Bgm

4.5.2. Character attack sound fx

4.5.3. character attack hit enemy sound fx

4.5.4. character collects collectables sound fx

4.5.5. Characrer heals sound fx


5.1. Visuals - Non - diagetic UI

5.1.1. Movement instructions

5.1.2. Movement keys icons

5.1.3. Action/attack instructions

5.1.4. Action/attack keys icons

5.1.5. Objectives instructions

5.2. Usability

5.2.1. Movement instructions contrasts from all types of backgrounds

5.2.2. Movement keys icons contrasts from all types of backgrounds

5.2.3. Action/attack instructions constrasts from all types of background

5.2.4. Action/attack keys contrasts from all types of background

5.2.5. Objectives Instructions contrasts from all types of background

5.2.6. Instructions are positioned to capture attention of player

5.2.7. INstructions are positioned to not obstruct gameplay

5.2.8. 2 types of fonts or less are used

5.3. Design

5.3.1. Level Layout

5.3.2. Enemies placement in level

5.3.3. Collectables placement in level

5.3.4. Obstacles placement

5.3.5. Progressive difficulty

5.3.6. Placement balance

5.3.7. Introduction on new mechanics

5.3.8. Theme consistency

5.4. Visuals - game

5.4.1. Enemy asset(s) - idle state + animation

5.4.2. Enemy asset(s) - walk state + animation

5.4.3. Enemy asset(s) - Jump state + animation

5.4.4. Enemy asset(s) - fall state + animation

5.4.5. Enemy asset(s) - damage state + animation

5.4.6. Enemy asset(s) - dying state + animation

5.4.7. Enemy asset(s) - status effect state + animation

5.4.8. Enemy asset(s) - damage special fx feedback animation

5.4.9. Character asset - attack special fx feedback animation

5.4.10. Obstacle assets

5.4.11. background layer 1 graphics

5.4.12. background layer 2 graphics

5.4.13. Gameplay level - ground graphics

5.4.14. gameplay level - platform graphics

5.5. Sound

5.5.1. BGM

5.5.2. Attack sound fx

5.5.3. Enemy attack hit character sound fx

5.5.4. Character collects collectables sound fx

5.6. Fuctionality

5.6.1. Background layer 1 scrolling

5.6.2. Background layer 2 scrolling

5.6.3. Gameplay level - ground scrolling

5.6.4. Gameplay level - platform scrolling

5.6.5. Enemy AI movement is present

5.6.6. Enemy AI attack is present

5.6.7. Enemy Ai action is present

6. LEVEL 2

6.1. Visuals - Non diegetic UI

6.1.1. New mechanics instructions

6.1.2. Objectives instructions

6.2. Usability

6.2.1. New mechanics instructions contrasts from all types of background

6.2.2. Objectives instructions contrasts from all types of background

6.2.3. Instructions are positioned to capture attention of player

6.2.4. Instructions are postioned to not obstruct gameplay

6.2.5. 2 types of fonts or less are used

6.3. Design

6.3.1. Level Layout

6.3.2. Enemies placement in level

6.3.3. Collectables placement in level

6.3.4. Obstacles placement

6.3.5. Progressive difficulty

6.3.6. Placement balance

6.3.7. Introduction on new mechanics

6.3.8. Theme consistency

6.4. Visuals - game

6.4.1. Enemy asset(s) - idle state + animation

6.4.2. Enemy asset(s) - walk state + animation

6.4.3. Enemy asset(s) - Jump state + animation

6.4.4. Enemy asset(s) - fall state + animation

6.4.5. Enemy asset(s) - damage state + animation

6.4.6. Enemy asset(s) - dying state + animation

6.4.7. Enemy asset(s) - status effect state + animation

6.4.8. Enemy asset(s) - damage special fx feedback animation

6.4.9. Character asset - attack special fx feedback animation

6.4.10. Obstacle assets

6.4.11. background layer 1 graphics

6.4.12. background layer 2 graphics

6.4.13. Gameplay level - ground graphics

6.4.14. gameplay level - platform graphics

6.5. Sound

6.5.1. BGM

6.5.2. Attack sound fx

6.5.3. Enemy attack hit character sound fx

6.5.4. Character collects collectables sound fx

6.6. Fuctionality

6.6.1. Background layer 1 scrolling

6.6.2. Background layer 2 scrolling

6.6.3. Gameplay level - ground scrolling

6.6.4. Gameplay level - platform scrolling

6.6.5. Enemy AI movement is present

6.6.6. Enemy AI attack is present

6.6.7. Enemy Ai action is present

7. LEVEL 3

7.1. Visuals - Non diegetic UI

7.1.1. New mechanics instructions

7.1.2. Objectives instructions

7.2. Usability

7.2.1. New mechanics instructions contrasts from all types of background

7.2.2. Objectives instructions contrasts from all types of background

7.2.3. Instructions are positioned to capture attention of player

7.2.4. Instructions are postioned to not obstruct gameplay

7.2.5. 2 types of fonts or less are used

7.3. Design

7.3.1. Level Layout

7.3.2. Enemies placement in level

7.3.3. Collectables placement in level

7.3.4. Progressive difficulty

7.3.5. Placement balance

7.3.6. Introduction on new mechanics

7.3.7. Theme consistency

7.4. Visuals - game

7.4.1. Enemy asset(s) - idle state + animation

7.4.2. Enemy asset(s) - walk state + animation

7.4.3. Enemy asset(s) - Jump state + animation

7.4.4. Enemy asset(s) - fall state + animation

7.4.5. Enemy asset(s) - damage state + animation

7.4.6. Enemy asset(s) - dying state + animation

7.4.7. Enemy asset(s) - status effect state + animation

7.4.8. Enemy asset(s) - damage special fx feedback animation

7.4.9. Character asset - attack special fx feedback animation

7.4.10. Obstacle assets

7.4.11. background layer 1 graphics

7.4.12. background layer 2 graphics

7.4.13. Gameplay level - ground graphics

7.4.14. gameplay level - platform graphics

7.5. Sound

7.5.1. BGM

7.5.2. Attack sound fx

7.5.3. Enemy attack hit character sound fx

7.5.4. Character collects collectables sound fx

7.6. Fuctionality

7.6.1. Background layer 1 scrolling

7.6.2. Background layer 2 scrolling

7.6.3. Gameplay level - ground scrolling

7.6.4. Gameplay level - platform scrolling

7.6.5. Enemy AI movement is present

7.6.6. Enemy AI attack is present

7.6.7. Enemy Ai action is present

8. Introduction screen

8.1. visuals

8.1.1. studio logo animation

8.1.2. skip studio animation button - neutral state

8.1.3. skip studio animation button - mouse over state

8.2. usability

8.2.1. logo contrast well with background

8.3. Functionality

8.3.1. skip studio animation button

9. Title Screen Visuals

9.1. enter screen transtion animation

9.2. game logo graphics

9.3. start game button - neutral state

9.4. start game button - mouse over state

9.5. start game button - hit state + animation

9.6. options button -neutral state

9.7. options button - mouse over state

9.8. options button - hit state + animation

9.9. credits button - neutral state

9.10. credits button -mouse over state

9.11. credits button - hit state + animation

9.12. copyright statement

9.13. background graphics

9.14. exit screen animation

9.15. Sound

9.15.1. BGM

9.15.2. start game button - mouse over sound fx

9.15.3. start game sound - hit sound fx

9.15.4. options button - mouse over sound fx

9.15.5. credits button - mouse over sound fx

9.15.6. credits button - hit sound fx

9.16. Usability

9.16.1. buttons can be clearly seen

9.16.2. logo is positioned at point of focus

9.16.3. logo size occupies 1/4 of the screen

9.16.4. logo contrasts from background

9.17. Functionality

9.17.1. start game button

9.17.2. options button

9.17.3. credits button