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GnRH by Mind Map: GnRH

1. Primordial oocyte

1.1. Primary oocyte

1.1.1. BIRTH Primary oocyte Primary oocyte

2. Primordial Follicle

2.1. Primary Follicle

2.1.1. BIRTH Primary follicle Growing follicle

3. HCG from syncytiotrophoblast

4. Estrogens + Progesterone

5. Uterus in Follicular/proliferative phase

5.1. Progestational/Secretory Stage

6. Anterior pituitary

6.1. FSH

6.2. LH

7. Granulosa

7.1. Estrone and 17b Estradiol

8. Theca interna

8.1. Androstenedione and Testosterone