Current Career and My Plans For Future Careers

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Current Career and My Plans For Future Careers par Mind Map: Current Career and My Plans For Future Careers

1. Plans on becoming an Aerospace/Mechanical Engineer

1.1. "Default" college is U of L

1.2. Top college is Massachusetts Institute of Technology

1.3. Planning on either developing new commercial airliners or new fighter jets

1.4. Might create an animatronic band to distribute to party places (Gattiland, Kart Kountry, etc.)

1.5. Biggest plan is to design a new type of engine or a utility suit

2. Do aerospace engineers earn more money than mechanical engineers?

3. Do aerospace engineers perform more dangerous jobs than mechanical engineers?

4. Are architects more important than engineers?

5. Currently running a lawn care service called "The More You Mow"

5.1. Has been active since early 2015

5.2. Isn't very large in staff or equipment

5.3. Only has a few clients and doesn't have much funding

6. Taking the Engineering Pathway at BEHS

6.1. Currently in the "Principles of Engineering" course

6.2. Planning on advancing to the next class of engineering if possible