Technology Standards

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Technology Standards by Mind Map: Technology Standards

1. National Educational Technology Standards (NETS)

1.1. These standards are for the teacher, they evaluate the knowledge and skills the teachers should have.

2. Common Core Standards

2.1. Technology skills are incorporated in these standards.  These standards realize the inclusion of technology in 21st century life.

2.2. Students will be able to use the internet to collaborate, write, and publish their work.

3. The National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE)

3.1. Requires future teachers to integrate technology into instruction to create student learning and support teaching.

3.2. Technology facilitation, technology leadership, and computer science is also incorporated into these standards.

4. No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)

4.1. requires students to be technologically literate by the end of eighth grade, so states have found benchmarks and tests for both teachers and students.