My Future and Where Comic  Development Fits In

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My Future and Where Comic  Development Fits In by Mind Map: My Future and Where Comic  Development Fits In

1. My Overall Future Plans

1.1. I plan on getting married and raising a small family

1.2. I plan on taking up a career in either mechanical/aerospace engineering

1.3. I might move to a state more towards the center of the USA

2. Where My Comics Fit In

2.1. I may make comics as a hobby and publish them online

2.2. Might make an animated comic series

2.3. If I go on with these plans, I'll carry on the series until the final battle against Raekai

3. Is this really a good idea?

3.1. What if I'm too busy?

3.2. What if this produces issues with my job or relationship

3.3. What if it's just a waste of time

4. Possible Collaboration w/ My Job

4.1. Make animations to advertise for something

4.2. Use some of my ideas/creations in my comics

4.3. Create/design something based on something from my comic series