Barnes and Noble

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Barnes and Noble by Mind Map: Barnes and Noble

1. Social Stack

1.1. Sprinklr; @BNBuzz; @BN_Care

2. Strategy

2.1. Start Top-down with Digital Contacts

3. Contact Center

3.1. Lyndhurst, NJ

4. Key Stakeholders

4.1. Social / Media

4.1.1. Alex Garcia Community Manager/Supervisor - Social Media at Barnes & Noble; [email protected]

4.2. Digital / Marketing

4.2.1. Rooshina Modi Director, Digital Marketing at Barnes & Noble, Inc.; [email protected]

4.2.2. Kacey Sharrett, VP, Digital Operations Barnes & Noble, Inc.; [email protected]

4.3. Customer / Experience

4.3.1. Matt Blonder Vice President, Digital Experience at Barnes & Noble, Inc.; [email protected]

4.4. Contact Center

4.4.1. Terrill Hiel Senior Manager, Customer Service Solutions at Barnes & Noble; [email protected]

4.4.2. Melanie Doty Vice President, Customer Care Retail at Barnes & Noble; [email protected]

4.4.3. Located in Lyndhurst, NJ

4.5. IT / Misc.

4.6. C - Level

4.6.1. Fred Argir Chief Digital Officer Barnes & Noble, Inc.; [email protected]

4.6.2. Bill Wood Chief Information Officer at Barnes & Noble, Inc.; [email protected]