Heroin should it be legal?

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Heroin should it be legal? by Mind Map: Heroin should it be legal?

1. Injection


1.2. collapsed veins

1.3. possible risk for overdose

2. Diseases


2.2. liver and kidney

2.3. bacterial infections

3. Overdose

3.1. death

3.2. narcan injection

4. Addiction

4.1. addiction can lead to overdose

4.1.1. death

4.2. debt

4.3. family issues

4.3.1. stealing

4.4. depression

5. Brain damage

5.1. caused by overdose

5.2. slowed breathing

5.3. body can sometimes forget to breathe

6. Counter Argument (Legalization)

6.1. safe place

6.1.1. less overdoses

6.2. reduce the transmissions of HIV and Hep C

6.3. saves money in health care cost

6.4. moves drug use out of the public eye

6.5. decreases emergency room visits

6.6. eliminates suppliers, and distributors