American Revolution

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American Revolution by Mind Map: American Revolution

1. (n.d.). Retrieved August 24, 2016, from

2. What

2.1. The American revolution was a movement of independence. USA territories from British empires.

3. When

3.1. April 19 1765-September 3 1783

4. Why

4.1. United States stared getting ideas from the Enlightment ideas of different sceintist. Also the 13 colonies was tired of taxes that UK charged them.

5. Global Context

5.1. Europeans got information about the American Revolution from soldiers returning from America. French soldiers returned to France with ideas of individual liberty and the notion of republicanism.

6. APA

6.1. ConnectED. (n.d.). Retrieved August 24, 2016, from

7. Who

7.1. George Washington

7.2. France

7.3. United Kingdom

7.4. United States

7.5. Scotland

7.6. Queen Anne

7.7. Vice president to John Adams.

7.8. Benjamin Franklin

8. How

8.1. The American Revolution started when there was a crisis for Stamps and Taxes. There was a lot of tension so US government prepare for armed conflict with the British troops occupying Boston.