drugs in cities

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drugs in cities by Mind Map: drugs in cities

1. how did this become a problem

1.1. where did it come from

1.2. when did it come to the public

1.2.1. who uses these substances

2. where is it given to the public

2.1. cops need to know where they are

2.1.1. what time period is it given how much is given

3. how can we stop the drug traffic

3.1. more police

3.1.1. teach young once about drug awareness

4. what are the popular drugs you can find

4.1. different drugs the city traffics in

4.1.1. how much there is what country did it come from

5. why did dealers decide to deal

5.1. why they are dealing drugs to the young

5.1.1. how much they are giving out how much are they making why do they do it?

6. how does the drug effect the person

6.1. different drugs different effects

6.1.1. what kind of drug makes which effect how addictive/deadly it is