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College by Mind Map: College

1. Sports

1.1. athletes should get paid

1.1.1. it's their job

1.1.2. they are free advertisement

1.1.3. Counterargument shouldn't be paid

1.2. provide most of the money for a school

1.2.1. higher rankings=more money

1.3. promotes entertainment for students/social

1.3.1. popularity of sports

1.3.2. how good the team is

1.3.3. sponors

1.3.4. gets people out to participate in the community tailgates homecoming events rivalries

2. Sorority

2.1. stereotypes

2.1.1. pay for friends

2.1.2. party alot

2.1.3. stuck up

2.1.4. rich

2.2. help you meet people

2.2.1. little/big (mentor)

2.2.2. recruitment

2.2.3. formals

2.2.4. mixers

2.3. charity

2.3.1. philanthropy

2.3.2. involvement

2.3.3. helps others

3. Out of State

3.1. more than in-state tuition

3.2. fresh start

3.2.1. counter- by yourself, too far

3.2.2. meet new people

3.2.3. focus more by not being involved with people you know that may distract you

3.3. gives more responsibility

3.3.1. no parents around

3.3.2. will have to depend on yourself