effects of PTSD

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effects of PTSD by Mind Map: effects of PTSD

1. how does PTSD affect people's everyday life? treated ? untreated?

2. what causes PTSD?

2.1. who does it affect

2.1.1. when does it affect them why does it affect people

3. how is PTSD diagnosed?

3.1. who exactly diagnoses the illness

4. how can PTSD be treated?

5. what is the cost for treatment for people with PTSD?

6. how do people react physically knowing they have PTSD?

7. how do people react emotionally knowing they have PTSD?

8. do people disown people who have PTSD?

8.1. How many people actually have support system while dealing with Ptsd ? how is it effective?

8.1.1. are the support systems in the united states good what states have the most effective support system how do family members treat them

9. what triggers a PTSD episode ?

9.1. why do certain things cause the episodes?

10. are you denied a job if you have PTSD? what if a woman vs a male had PTSD would that affect if they could get a job?

10.1. problems at work and in a relatonship

11. does it only relate to veterans?

12. What affects does PTSD have when a person has been diagnosed by a doctor with it?