Single people who don't have a spouse/kids, resort to dogs

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Single people who don't have a spouse/kids, resort to dogs by Mind Map: Single people who don't have a spouse/kids, resort to dogs

1. some mothers are choosing dogs over motherhood

1.1. handbag-size canines

1.2. don't have the screaming, diaper, changes, and pay for college

1.2.1. New york article

2. Counterargument

2.1. some people like to get a dog before they actually get married

2.1.1. to see the responsibilities that are going to come with a partner

3. Dog's affect on humans

3.1. "Why People Love Dogs" Article

3.1.1. a woman had broken up with a man bc he didn't like her dog.

3.2. 2/3 of americans live with pets

3.2.1. 90 percent consider their dog part of their family

4. Not being married, a dog gives you someone

4.1. Sometimes people just need someone

4.2. doesn't make you feel lonely

4.3. being alone for some people leads to depression and having a dog leads them away from that.

5. People consider dogs as their kids

5.1. like if you can't have kids

5.2. if they lost a child

5.3. or if they just aren't ready

6. Think they will die alone

6.1. some only buy dogs for that reason