Does fitness help you live longer

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Does fitness help you live longer by Mind Map: Does fitness help you live longer

1. Does fitness help you have a happier life?

1.1. You are able to move more and easier

1.2. You can do more things with the people you love

2. Have a healthier heart

2.1. Definitely helps you live longer

3. How does it affect the brain

3.1. Can it cause depression?

4. Lower risks of cancer

4.1. How does it have a lower risk of cancer?

5. How many diseases can you get if you don't have physical fitness?

5.1. Is there a high chance of dying from obesity

6. limitations to being obsessed

6.1. Less energy

6.2. Won't want to go out and have fun with friends

7. How does fitness help you live longer?

7.1. "A fit body is a happy body"