ps4 vs xbox vs pc, why pc gaming is the best

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ps4 vs xbox vs pc, why pc gaming is the best by Mind Map: ps4 vs xbox vs pc, why pc gaming is the best

1. the cost of a pc is cheaper overtime

1.1. Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo's licensing and publishing costs inevitably drive up the cost of every single game released, and even pre-owned games tend to be far pricier than the PC equivalent.

1.2. On xbox and ps4 they will charge you for playing games online, but on the pc it is all free

1.3. You can build a gaming pc that outperforms a console that costs less than the price of a next-gen console.

2. Games run faster and have better quality on a pc

2.1. Games on the pc have a much higher resolution on the pc and the pc has been running games at 1080p for quite some time now.

2.2. On PC there is more mod support as compared to consoles, you can mod any game.

2.3. There are games that run on a pc as well but aren't on console because the consoles cannot run it

3. PC us easier to use

3.1. . Console kids who have grown up with a controller in hand might argue playing games with a controller is better, but there's still no better way of playing just about any game in any genre – not just shooters – than the combination of keyboard and mouse.

3.2. It has can have an unlimited amount of storage while your average console doesn't

3.3. You can controll which hardware you have so if a new game comes out that you cant run you can always upgrade some of your hardware