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Obesity by Mind Map: Obesity

1. Do we promote obesity to be a good thing now days?

1.1. We now have plus sized models (which i think is beneficial but are we promoting them too much)

1.2. Many obese women are now making youtube accounts to promote plus sized confidence

1.3. Do we know the difference between plus size and obese though?

2. How does fast food industries harm us

2.1. A mcdonalds hamburger is cheaper than $5 but their salads range from $6-$10

2.2. It is easier to go out and buy dinner now days to make it at home

2.3. People usually do not have the time anymore to make a healthy meal so fast food is the other option

3. Eating Disorders

3.1. Bulima

3.1.1. Binging on food to later regurgitate

3.2. Anorexia

3.2.1. resulted from eating tiny meals or starving themselves

3.3. unhealthy eating disorders

3.3.1. starving or binging on food

3.4. obesity

3.4.1. the over eating of food

4. Childhood Obesity

4.1. Parents fixing whatever is easiest for dinner, and not always being the healthiest

4.2. Snacking on unhealthy food

4.3. Parents buying the cheapest food, which is not organic or fruits because there has been a price increase in produce foods

5. Adulthood Obesity

5.1. The stress build up and turning to food

5.2. Finding comfort in food

5.3. Not having time to conduct in good health and watch what they are eating

5.4. No time to go to the gym or work out

6. What is sold in stores and schools

6.1. Organic/Vegan food is increasingly high in cost compared to food that is high in calories and sodium