mind mapping of Ron Jacob De Luna

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LIFE by Mind Map: LIFE

1. Life is a game for the rich, a gamble for the poor and  a mere book for the wise.

2. Sleeping is good because for a while you forget everything.

3. Life isn't a choice. Living is

4. Hard work betrays none but dreams betray many,working hard alone doesn't assure you that you will achieve your dream actually there are many cases where you don't. Even so working hard and achieving something is some consolation at least.

5. the past makes you wanna die out of regret and the future makes you depressed out of anxiety.So by elimination the present is likely the happiest time

6. Why i value life

6.1. I value life because

6.1.1. Of the people I meet

6.1.2. Of my family

6.1.3. Of life itself

6.1.4. Of the happy times I spend

6.1.5. Nothing is constant everything changes

6.1.6. Of the infinite things that can be done

7. My quotes and view about life

8. If you have the time to think about someone else use it to improve yourself.

9. Life is a simple thing. Some people just makes it complicated.

10. You can't reset life but you can reset human relations.

11. Life is full of challenges,challenges that makes it interesting and accomplishments that makes it worth living.

12. Life is something that can never be lived twice cherish it.

13. Why living things should be cared for

13.1. Living things should be cared for because

13.1.1. We are also a living thing

13.1.2. They are special in every way

13.1.3. We also want to be cared

13.1.4. We are stewards of God's Creation

13.1.5. nothing is constant in life everyone leaves one by one