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English by Mind Map: English

1. Discussions

1.1. Life

1.1.1. where we will be after highschool

1.1.2. how we will achieve in college

1.2. School policy

1.3. Ib

1.4. symbolism

1.5. topics shown in novel

2. assignments

2.1. Tangram

2.2. hiku

2.3. Poetry

2.4. Symbolism

2.5. sculpture and explanation

3. Movies

3.1. Midsummer nights dream

3.2. Romeo and Juliet

3.3. the secret

3.4. Shakespeare in love

4. What we learn't

4.1. Time managment

4.1.1. planning

4.1.2. pressure

4.1.3. priority

4.2. New approach at the english languange

4.2.1. No pointless work

4.2.2. Minimal writing

4.2.3. difficult assignments

4.3. New node

4.4. The "Secret"

4.4.1. pointless

4.4.2. Made no sense to me

4.4.3. Poor stratagy for life

5. Books

5.1. House on Mango Street

5.1.1. one of the worst books i have ever read

5.1.2. unrealistic story

5.1.3. difficult to relate to

5.1.4. Depressing

5.1.5. to much racism

5.1.6. Themes Racism coming of age reality