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1. Structural Design and Mathematics (STD/MATH)

1.1. Learning aims – Knowledge

1.1.1. - units and concepts related to basic structural design and mathematics - the structural systems and be able to identify these in a single family house of 1-2 floors - masonry - its bearing capacity, masonry areas and brick lintels in small buildings - structural documentation

1.2. Learning aims – Skills

1.2.1. account for loads from the building/construction components - communicate the structural ways of the loads through the buildings, orally and by using sketching techniques - account for the structural system of a single family house - prepare structural documentation as described in the Eurocodes - use mathematics (C-level) and tabled values when determining ‘rough dimensions’ of building components

1.3. Content

1.3.1. - Basic units, density, gravity and specific gravity - Action, reaction, dissolving and joining forces - Position plans, design assumptions and choice of construction - Vertical loads in accordance with current standards - Orientation of wind loads - How loads are transferred to foundations - Load bearing and bracing main system - Supports, anchoring, sheer walls, diaphragms and force transferring joints - Types of supports and loads - Masonry: o murbinder o wall areas o brick lintels o pre-stressed beams and wall ties

2. Building Planning and Management (BPM)

2.1. Learning aims – Knowledge

2.1.1. - methods for effective study planning - the planning and management of design work - basic principles used in the planning of implementation - methods for estimating building costs - methods and principles for quality assurance - project organizations and the various parties involved – including, the design phases and forms of contracts - basic principles used for the filing and management of digital documents - the structure and content of a building component log

2.2. Learning aims – Skills

2.2.1. - plan the course of the semester logically - illustrate the building process in relation to the theme of this semester with consideration to the various parties involved - apply current planning methods involved when designing a single-family house - communicate the planning and implementation to the various parts involved - analyze the implementation and interdependency of the various building activities involved in the building of a single-family house – using a network diagram and the Gantt-charts - define (take-off) quantities and prepare cost estimates using m2-costs and costs of building components - set up a budget based on rough calculation for the various parties involved – including the client (building owner) - use a filing management system for your project as a group - use a building component log as documentation for all decisions relevant to the project

2.3. Content

2.3.1. - Study planning (personal planning and group planning) - Industry and Technology - Forms of enterprises - Time schedule (The Gantt-method and network planning) - Calculation and quantity selection - Specifications/Building Component Log - Quality insurance - Site arrangement - Plan for Safety and Health - Waste management - Production flow and division of labor - Teamwork - Group teamwork and resource management - Tender documents - Transportation logistics

3. Architecture and Building Design (ABDS)

3.1. Content

3.1.1. - The overall theme of the semester - the single-family house - The history of the single-family house - Architectural understanding - Tools for planning, analysis and visualization - Development and presentation of your own proposal

3.2. Learning aims – Skills

3.2.1. - design the layout of the single-family house through functional analyses - collect information and perform functional analyses in regards to the subject - achieve an understanding of drawings through sketching, free-hand drawing and 3D modelling

3.3. Learning aims – Knowledge

3.3.1. - the subject in general, its methods and practice - the history of styles, building materials and building methods in traditional Danish singlefamily houses - fundamental architectural guidelines regarding the aesthetic setting

4. Building Design (BDS)

4.1. Learning aims – Knowledge

4.1.1. - the subject in general, its methods and practice - contemporary building methods and building constructions - functional requirements for building constructions, including knowledge about Energy Efficient Sustainable Building Design and Construction - the legal framework governing the construction of single-family houses that have one or two floors - analogue and digital tools in the design and communication of the building design

4.2. Learning aims – Skills

4.2.1. - analyze and select building constructions for your project - achieve an understanding of drawings and constructions through sketching and 3D modelling - plan and develop a building from the ‘first idea stage’ to a stage where it can be used as a basis for local authority approval - prepare documentation and to communicate information about the designed building using 2D/3D drawings – in writing and orally

4.3. Content

4.4. - Layout of house on the plot - Excavation, foundation and floor structures - External walls and external wall completions - Roofing and roofing completions - Oral, graphic and digital presentations of the above - Analogue and digital tools in sketching and communication of construction (See “BIM – Building Information Modeling’ under References)

5. Material Science (BDS/MSC)

5.1. Learning aims – Knowledge

5.1.1. - the subject in general, its methods and practice - building materials and their incorporation in constructions - building materials in the construction of single-family houses - processing procedures and production of building materials - the lifecycle term in relation to durability, maintenance and sustainability

5.2. Learning aims – Skills

5.2.1. - analyze and select building materials at a basic level - substantiate and document the selection of building materials

5.3. Content

5.3.1. - Preparation of a description of building components (including wood, brickwork, ceramic materials and concrete). - Scientific research within the area of study. - A visit to building material manufacturers and building sites.

6. Building Services and Building Physics (BSE/BPHY)

6.1. Learning aims – Knowledge

6.1.1. different types of supply lines and their location on the plot in relation to the building, the boundary line and requirements for different laying depths - different heating systems used in a single-family house - different types of ventilation used in a single-family house - different types of drainage pipes used inside the building and sewer, rainwater and drain pipes used in the ground (on the plot) and the connection to the main sewer system - various installations for water, heating, electricity and communication

6.2. Learning aims – Skills

6.2.1. - arrange a plot and house plan in relation to supply lines and service pipes - perform analyses and estimates for ventilation in accordance with the Building Regulations 2010 - perform analyses and estimates for heating systems - plan technical installations on the basis of analyses and estimates

6.3. Content

6.3.1. Supply lines - Requirements, materials, laying depths and laying conditions for the following different supply lines: o District heating o Natural gas o Electricity o Water o Wastewater o Rainwater o Communication and TV Principles and supply pathways for water, heat, ventilation, communication lines and electrical installations: - supply pathways in floors, walls and roof/ceiling. (space conditions) - building Regulations requirements for ventilation - drawing symbols Principles for drain and sewer - Calculation of U-values of standard constructions used in the project - U-values of windows

7. Communication (COM)

7.1. Learning aims – Knowledge

7.1.1. - the importance of oral and written communication within the ATCM profession - teamwork and methods of cooperation and collaborative learning - the structure of reports and the significance regarding decision making - the structure of a digital presentation - the learning aims for the 1st semester

7.2. Learning aims – Skills

7.2.1. - present academic subjects orally and in writing - develop a problem formulation - collect data by using methodological principles - both orally and in writing – reflect upon your own learning, including your collaboration with others - write a report as a documentation of the work and phase - use study techniques relevant to PBL

7.3. Content

7.3.1. Portfolio - including: - Self-reflection (learning aims, self-evaluation and knowledge sharing) - Reflection on subjects (learning aims, self-evaluation and knowledge sharing) - Documentation of learning styles, counselling meetings, team contracts, Project meetings - An introduction to team/group organized work - Incorporate practical elements in group-/team work

7.3.2. Communication: - Verbal presentation technique - Writing decision and narrative minutes of meetings - Formulating problems - Presentation technique - Writing reports

7.3.3. Study techniques, including: - Information retrieval - Reading and note-taking techniques - Mind Map on paper and digitally

8. Land Surveying and Spatial Planning (SUR)

8.1. Learning aims – Knowledge

8.1.1. - the system of the Danish Planning Act - site plans, technical maps and the cadastral map - the Danish systems of coordinates and heights - the cadastral system and land registration - building legislation and building regulations - building position methods

8.2. Learning aims – Skills

8.2.1. perform a benchmark levelling using a levelling instrument and calculate reduced levels - read and understand local plans and assess whether a specific building complies with the local plan - collect local plans and other documents for a given area - collect, read and understand easements - apply the provisions in the Danish Building Regulations on separation distances and building lines as well as the provisions in the Danish Planning Act on planning zones - plan the layout of a plot in relation to a suitable placement of a building

8.3. Content

8.3.1. Land Surveying and Spatial Planning report: - The provisions in the Danish Building Regulations on separation distances and building lines - The Danish Planning Act - Local plans and the framework provisions of municipal plans - Easements and registration of easements - Levelling and levels - Site plans - Contour plans - Building position methods