How Youtube has changed the entertainment and news industry?

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How Youtube has changed the entertainment and news industry? by Mind Map: How Youtube has changed the entertainment and news industry?

1. Offer audiences a platform to spread truth & incite change

1.1. Controversies and Issues can be cleared by uploading statement videos

2. Revolutionised entertainment

2.1. Audience can just watch video after video on YouTube.

2.2. e.g; home videos, shows. instead of going to the movies.

3. YouTube has a vast amount of entertainment videos

3.1. E.g; VLOGs, comedy, performances.

3.2. Travel video makes audiences feel they are seeing the world.

4. Revolutionised education -eg; Tutorials/How-to videos

4.1. Audience can learn more about a product

4.2. Audience can learn through tutorials for free

5. Possible challenges and opportunities faced by marketers?

5.1. Control your message

5.2. Q&A and Help Desk

5.3. Easy and inexpensive

5.4. Longer view-time than some on-demand video content

6. Efficiency of news delivery

7. Newsgathering

7.1. Journalist  can find a wider ranges of voices, ideas and eyewitnesses quickly

7.2. It helps journalist to gather more material