FS1U1 Inquiry Cycle Ideas

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FS1U1 Inquiry Cycle Ideas by Mind Map: FS1U1 Inquiry Cycle Ideas

1. Tuning In

1.1. What body parts can the children identify?

1.2. Can they name these body parts?

1.3. Do they know if they are a boy or a girl?

1.4. Can they comment on their own likes.

1.5. Can they recognise their own names in print?

1.6. Do they understand the concept of a family?

1.7. Can they distinguish the gender of these family members?

1.8. Learning how to take care of our bodies.

2. Taking Action

2.1. Name more body parts then what they knew in the beginning of the unit.

2.2. Identify their own name in print as well as some of their friends names.

2.3. Use vocabulary that is connected to their families.

2.4. Practically applying their knowledge of healthy living during the course of the school day, e.g. washing their hands after using the toilet.

2.5. Use various construction materials to build/make a home i.e tent, apartment

2.6. Make their own bubbles with using soap, water - children experiment with the different ratio's of water and soap, and what can they use to blow the bubbles, or to create bubbles in the water tray.

3. Making Conclusions

3.1. Name the boys and girls in this class.

3.2. Determine who their friends are and activities that they enjoy doing together.

3.3. Understanding whether they are a boy or a girl.

3.4. Using words that describe their likes and dislikes.

3.5. Matching body part (pictures) to the object i.e. ear - Q-tips/ear buds

3.6. What similarities are there between the various homes

3.7. How to make bubbles and what do we use to make bubbles. Which rooms can we make bubbles.

4. Going Further

4.1. Learning the names of their friends.

4.2. Determining if they are boys or girls

4.3. How we can use our senses to understand the world around us.

4.4. What part do our family members play in our lives.

4.5. How do we treat each other and how our feelings are determined by what others do or say.

4.6. What other ways are we able to take care of our bodies e.g. exercise and eating healthy and what foods are healthy and unhealthy.

4.7. What other homes are around the world? Show children various pictures of homes and discuss differences

5. Finding Out

5.1. Learn songs and rhymes about body parts.

5.2. Play games involving naming and identifying the body parts

5.3. List things that are different when comparing boys and girls.

5.4. Look at family photo graphs and make a list of all the members.

5.5. Using family photo's determine which gender they are.

5.6. What do we use when taking care of our bodies.

5.7. Showing photos of various areas in the house i.e kitchen, living room.

5.8. What types of furniture do we have in these rooms.

6. Sorting Out

6.1. Using picture cards the children sort them according to boys and girls.

6.2. Signing action songs that allow them to listen to the words and boys and girls doing various actions.

6.3. Using games to develop their knowledge on senses such as auditory games, tasting activities and visual discrimination games.

6.4. Learning what products we use and why it is important to take care of our bodies.

6.5. Discuss what we do in each area of the house