Freshman Shy Together

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Freshman Shy Together by Mind Map: Freshman Shy Together

1. Home

1.1. The Home page will  give the viewer a quick bit of insight as to the website's purpose. Tabs to navigate to the other pages on this site will  be located here.

1.1.1. Photos: Besides the logo, there will be photos, over (or maybe under) which clickable links to the other pages will be located.

2. Resources

2.1. The Freshman Resources page will include videos and articles that freshmen can refer to for advice. It will also have the contact information for the people referred to in the resources page will also be available.

2.1.1. Social Media: Links to social media pages of the various resources that are presented will be listed here. This will hopefully include embedded videos from YouTube.

2.1.2. Video: If I can, it would be so cool if I could get a video from someone who used the site and loved it and wanted to share their story.

3. About

3.1. The About page will tell the viewer about me and why this website exists.

3.1.1. Screencast: I might want to include a screencast that allows viewers to understand how the site works.

4. Contact

4.1. The Contact page will include ways for the website's viewers to contact me with any more private questions they still might have and do not want to leave as a comment on the blog.

4.1.1. Social Media: Social Media links will be located here as ways for viewers to contact me.

5. Forum

5.1. The Forum page will be where a forum is located for viewers of the website to talk to each other about their experiences, thoughts, fears, actions, and any other recollections that relate to their experiences as a (shy) freshman.

5.1.1. Google Forum: The forum will be public and will allow viewers to interact with each other.

6. Blog

6.1. The Blog page will be where my blog is located. My blog will contain my personal insight on being a shy freshman. My insight will include stories about my experience, my thoughts, my fears, actions that I took, and any other personal recollections that relate to my being a shy freshman.

6.1.1. Social Media: I hope to embed a Blogger blog on this page.

7. FAQs?

7.1. The FAQs page will answer some of the big questions that shy freshman may ask.

7.1.1. Google Forum: A forum will allow viewers to submit questions that they have and/or believe should be included

8. Tag Line: A shy girl's guide to being a shy freshman in college.

9. Success Stories

9.1. The Success Stories page will include stories of success from people who have viewed the website and have used it and its resources to succeed as a freshman.

9.1.1. Google Forum: A forum will allow viewers to submit their success stories.

10. Hidden References Page