Road to the Revolution

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Road to the Revolution by Mind Map: Road to the Revolution

1. The Declaration of Independence 1776: The Patriots urged for a break from Britain.  Main author, Thomas Jefferson.  The Declaration won support from France, Germany, and of course colonists.

2. 13. The Second Continental Congress 1775: As the Congress was getting started 3,000 British troops attacked American fortification on Bunker Hill and Breed's Hill overlooking Boston.

3. 12. The First Continental Congress 1774: Twelve mainland colonies sent representatives to meet.  In September 1774 all the representatives met.  All having different agendas.  The Southern colonies wanting to work on something different than New England colonies.  They decided on many things.

4. 11. The Intolerable Act 1774:  Laws passed by Parliament after the Boston Tea Party.  These laws were to punish the Massachusetts colonists for pouring a large tea shipment into the harbor.

5. 10. The Boston Tea Party December 16, 1773: The Sons of Liberty prevented the East Indies Company ships from delivering their cargo into New York, Philadelphia, and Charlestons.  The Sons of Liberty also broke open 324  chests of tea and dumped them all into the Boston Harbor.

6. 9. The Boston Massacre March 5 1770. A group of 9 Red coats fired into a crowd of townspeople, killing 5 people.

7. 8. The Daughters of Liberty 1768: American Women who made household consumption of imported goods.  They produced large quantities of homespun cloth.They made these goods because the American are boycotting British goods due to the Townshend Act.

8. 7. The Townshend Act 1767: A new tax legislation.  Impose duties on colonial imports such as paper, paint, glass, and tea.  Earmarked most of the money made to the salaries of royal governors, judges, and other imperial officers.

9. 6. The Sons of Liberty 1765: A group/ mob in Boston burnt down things and destroyed them.  John Hancock and John Adams encouraged these mobs.  These mobs were usually middling artisans and minor merchants.  The Sons of Liberty were also involved in the Boston Tea Party.

10. 1. The French and Indian War 1754: was spiked for the control or territory in the Ohio River Valley.  Between the French and British. Some Indians sided with the French.

11. 5. The Quartering Act 1765: Parliament passed this law shortly after the Stamp Act.  This required colonial governments to provide barracks and food for British troops.

12. 4. The Stamp Act 1765: A tax to cover part of the cost of keeping British troops in America.  This act required that a tax be placed on all printed items.  It bore more heavily on the rich.

13. 3. The Sugar Act 1764: Merchants were prosecuted under the act would be tried in vice-admiralty courts, tribunals governing the high seas and run by British-appointed judges.

14. 2. Proclamation of 1763: Britain created the Proclamation of 1763 because they did not want land-hungry whites to settle west of the Appalachian Mountains.