Impact of  Christopher Columbus's "Discovery" of the new world, on both Europe and the Americas.

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Impact of  Christopher Columbus's "Discovery" of the new world, on both Europe and the Americas. por Mind Map: Impact of  Christopher Columbus's "Discovery" of the new world, on both Europe and the Americas.

1. Europeans

1.1. Voluntary migration

1.2. Treaty of Tordesillas

1.3. Overseas expantion

2. Spanish pattern of conquest

2.1. Building American empire

2.2. Gathering Resource

2.3. encomienda

2.3.1. (Native Americans are slaves)

3. Impact on African's

3.1. Slavery

3.2. Economic increase because of slavery & Goods.

3.3. Trading Goods

4. Positives

5. Native Americans

5.1. Colonization

5.2. Dieases ---}

5.2.1. Plague killed millions of native Americans.

5.3. Dominated by Europeans

6. Columbian Exchange

6.1. Discover...

6.2. Commodity Exchange

6.3. Conqueros

6.4. Plague. was imported during the Columbian Exchange which killed millions

7. Negatives