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Taxa by Mind Map: Taxa

1. Domain

1.1. Bacteria

1.1.1. Prokaryotes

1.1.2. Gram Positive Bacteria

1.1.3. Spirochetes

1.1.4. Chlamydia

1.1.5. Cyanbacteria

1.2. Archaea

1.2.1. Prokaryotes

1.2.2. Extremophiles

1.2.3. Methanogens

1.2.4. Halophiles

1.2.5. Thermophiles

1.3. Eukarya

1.3.1. Protista

1.3.2. Fungi

1.3.3. Plants

1.3.4. Animals

2. Phylum

2.1. Animal-like Protists

2.1.1. Rhizopoda

2.1.2. Foraminifera

2.1.3. Actinopoda

2.1.4. Apicomplexa

2.1.5. Zooflagellates

2.1.6. Ciliphora

2.2. Fungus-like Protists

2.2.1. Myxomycota

2.2.2. Acrasiomycota

2.2.3. Oomycota

2.3. Plant-like Protists

2.3.1. Dinoflagellata

2.3.2. Golden algae

2.3.3. Diatoms

2.3.4. Green algae

2.3.5. Brown algae

2.3.6. Red algae

2.4. Animal Phyla

2.4.1. Porifera - Sponges

2.4.2. Cnidarians - Hydra and Jellyfish

2.4.3. Platyhelminthes - Flatworms Including Tapeworms

2.4.4. Nematodes - Roundworms

2.4.5. Annelids - Segmented Worms like Earthworms, Leeches

2.4.6. Mollusks - Squids, Octopuses, Slugs, Clams, Snails

2.4.7. Arthropods - Insecta, Crustacea, Arachnida

2.4.8. Echinoderms - Sea Stars, Sea Urchins

2.4.9. Chordates - Fish, Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds, Mammals

3. Genus

3.1. Homo

3.2. Panthera

3.3. Canis

4. Kingdom

4.1. Monera

4.1.1. autotrophs photoautotrophs chemoautotrophs

4.1.2. heterotrophs consumers

4.1.3. Obligate Aerobes

4.1.4. Obligate Anaerobes

4.1.5. Facultative Anaerobes

4.1.6. Archaebacteria

4.2. Protista

4.2.1. Protozoa (animal-like)

4.2.2. Absorptive Protists (fungus-like)

4.2.3. Algae (plant-like)

4.3. Fungi

4.4. Plants

4.5. Animals

5. Family

5.1. Hominid

5.2. Felidae

5.3. Canidae

6. Species

6.1. sapiens

6.2. leo

6.3. familiaris

7. Class

7.1. Mammals

7.2. Birds

7.3. Reptiles

7.4. Amphibians

7.5. Fish

8. Order

8.1. Primate

8.2. Carnivora