Are teachers the most important factor in student academic achievement?

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Are teachers the most important factor in student academic achievement? by Mind Map: Are teachers the most important factor in student academic achievement?

1. Ways Parents are important

1.1. This page will include ways parents are important to their child's learning ability.

1.1.1. I will mentions other peoples opinions on why parents are a huge factor of a students learning.

1.1.2. I will use infographics to inform the readers on how parents are a huge factor.

2. Ways teachers are important

2.1. This page will include how every teacher is different and how they are important to their students learning.

2.1.1. I will mention other peoples opinions on why teachers are a major factor of a students learning.

3. Who is the most important factor to a students learning?

3.1. This page will be the page where I find ways to show how students are the biggest and the most major factor of a their own learning and achievements.

3.1.1. I will mention other peoples opinions on why they think a student in the most important person to their learning.

4. Tagline: I will try and persuade you why teachers are not the most important factor of a students learning and achievement.

5. Contact

5.1. On this page I will put some information about me.

5.1.1. This page will also have my link to my social media page.

5.1.2. I will also put why I picked this topic.

6. Home

6.1. The home page will give a brief summary of how some people may think about how teachers are the most important factor of s students learning.

6.1.1. This page will have the video/animation that is persuading people why teachers are not the most important factor.

6.1.2. I will also have my logo to my website on this page, and all my pages. I will do this by using digital photo and logos.

6.1.3. This page will also have the link to my app, or the name of my app to download. Using app prototype.

7. Surveys

7.1. On this page I will put up three different ways of surveys I will take.

7.1.1. I will take a poll on twitter on who they think the biggest factor of a students learning.

7.1.2. I will ask people on Facebook.

7.1.3. I will ask people on google form

8. About

8.1. On the about page I will apply more details about the whole topic of the website.

8.1.1. I will use graphic design for this page.

8.1.2. I will also use a QR code.