what were the impacts of Christopher Columbus' "discovery" of the new world?

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what were the impacts of Christopher Columbus' "discovery" of the new world? by Mind Map: what were the impacts of Christopher Columbus' "discovery" of the new world?

1. Native Americans

1.1. Change of culture

1.1.1. new weapons forced upon then

1.1.2. American beliefs and ways enforced

1.2. Diseases

1.2.1. small pox

1.2.2. chicken pox

1.2.3. typhus

1.3. forced labour

1.3.1. trade

2. Europeans

2.1. migration

2.1.1. crossed over the Atlantic

2.2. Trade

2.2.1. brought lots of trade to and from Europe

2.3. national rivals

2.3.1. treaty of tordesillas a spit between the western hemisphere

3. Americas

3.1. columbian trade

3.1.1. the exchange of living things  from columbia to the rest of the world

3.2. Spainsh empire

3.2.1. Took over what is now Mexico and Guatemala