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George by Mind Map: George

1. Dandy Walker-Cyst Comlex

1.1. A syndrome that involves a cyst located near the brain. This causes slow motor development, breathing problems,and a problem with nerves

1.2. Because of this disability, George qualified for an IEP under the category of Communication Disorders. Students with Communication disorders struggle with speaking and understanding language.

2. Characteristics George Displays

2.1. Poor Ariculation

2.2. Poor Fluency

2.3. Dysfluent in conversational speech

2.4. Speech described as breathiness and unable to understand

2.5. Voice quaility is challenged

2.6. Leaving out sounds when they should occur

2.7. Distortion of sounds

3. IEP Goals

3.1. Speech:

3.1.1. Speech: Goal-                                                        George will have correct mouth formation for blends and slider vowels with 80% accuracy.              Benchmarks:In 9 weeks George will be able to correctly form blending sounds (str, bl, br, sw, st, cr, etc.) with 60% accuracy.                                         *In 18 weeks George will be able to correctly form blending sounds (str, bl, br, sw, st, cr, etc.) with70% accuracy and correctly form the r-controlled vowel sounds such as /or/, /er/ and /ar/ with 60%accuracy.                                                   *In 27 weeks George will be able to correctly form blending sounds (str, bl, br, sw, st, cr, etc.) with75% accuracy and correctly form r-controlled vowel sounds such as /or/, /er/ and /ar/ with 70%accuracy George’s difficulties with with correct mouth formation for blends and slider vowels inhibit hisability to participate in the general education setting.

3.2. Motor Planning : Goal                                                George will complete all 7 steps necessary to use a combination lock independently.                    Benchmarks:In 9 weeks George will be able to perform 3/7 steps necessary to open a combination lock.                                                      *In 18 weeks George will be able to perform 4/7 steps necessary to open a combination lock.                                                                           *In 27 weeks George will be able to perform 5/7 steps necessary to open a combination lock.                                                      *In 36 weeks George will be able to perform all 7/7 steps necessary to open a combination lock.

3.2.1. George is unable to organizer his things in his locker because he cannot open it. It is also causing him to be late to class.

3.3. Math

3.4. Goal:Given grade level math problems, such as division, multiplication, or problems needing recall of several functions (ie PEMDAS), George will score 80%.

3.5. Benchmarks:In 9 weeks, when given grade level math problems, such as division, multiplication, or problemsneeding recall of several functions (ie PEMDAS), George will score 69%. In 18 weeks, such as division, multiplication, or problems needing recall of several functions (iePEMDAS), George will score 73%. In 27 weeks, such as division, multiplication, or problems needing recall of several functions (iePEMDAS), George will score 77%. In 18 weeks, when given grade level math problems, such as story problems or problems needingrecall of several functions (ie PEMDAS), George will score 66%. In 27 weeks, when given grade level math problems, such as story problems or problems needingrecall of several functions (ie PEMDAS), George will score 74%.

3.6. George struggles with remembering processes in math, which in turn is causing him to struggle in the regular education curriculum.

4. Strengths

4.1. Easily makes friends

4.2. Very Social

4.3. Good at Video Games

4.4. Good at Chess

5. Classroom Qualities

5.1. Is not distracted by bad relationships with others in the classroom because he get's along so well with others.

5.2. Will probably volunteer and be unafraid to speak up in the classroom

5.3. Is extra focused on areas of interest in the classroom, so if shaped or related to these things  this will be more apt to learn.

5.4. Turns in many late assignments because he is unable to keep track of assigments.

5.5. Struggles with reading grade level texts and accessing the regular education curriculum because of his lower reading comprehension level.

5.6. Is hard to understand when speaking out loud, and probably affects his personal relationships with classmates and teachers because he is unable to communicate effectively.

5.7. He is unable to write effectively as he cannot organize his ideas and  edit his work

6. Weaknesses

6.1. Organization

6.2. Reading Fluency and Comprehension

6.3. Writing

6.4. Articulation and Fluency Challenges

6.5. Remembering Processes