I will explore a career as a Juvenile Probation Officer

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I will explore a career as a Juvenile Probation Officer by Mind Map: I will explore a career as a Juvenile Probation Officer

1. What is the average salary for a juvenile probation officer?

1.1. What is the national average salary?

1.1.1. U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics

1.2. What is the state of Missouri's average salary?

1.2.1. Missouri Bureau of Labor Statistics

2. What qualifications must you meet to become a juvenile probation officer?

2.1. What does the state of Missouri require?

2.1.1. www.probationofficerEDU.org

2.2. How do you go about meeting these qualifications?

2.2.1. www.probationofficerEDU.org

3. What are the key responsibilities of a juvenile probation officer?

3.1. What one on one work is invovled?

3.1.1. Juvenile Justice Information Exchange

3.2. What are the behind the scene responsibilites?

3.2.1. Juvenile Justice Information Exchange

3.3. How do these responsibilities fulfill the job title?

3.3.1. Juvenile Justice Information Exchange

3.3.2. www.learn.org

4. What are the degree requirements to become a juvenile probation officer?

4.1. What degree level is required?

4.1.1. www.learn.org

4.2. What areas of study are essential?

4.2.1. www.probationofficerEDU.org

4.3. On average, how long does schooling take?

4.3.1. school degree plan