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Light Bulbs von Mind Map: Light Bulbs

1. SSL (LED)

2. Discharge

3. Incandescent

4. Luminescent

5. Types of Light bulbs

6. NOW: Powerful lights can light up large areas for greater efficiency

7. Uses (Then vs Now)

8. NOW: Research is being done to improve the light bulb's efficiency and energy use.

9. THEN: Used to light up small areas because it wasn't powerful enough

10. WHO? The light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison

11. THEN: The invention of the light bulb sparked many other inventions that we use today

12. WHY? The idea that light could be created with electricity was sure of at the time but there was no proof of it so many people tried to create a new way for light through electricity

13. Incandescent bulbs weren't very energy efficient because less than 10% of electricity supplied to the bulb was converted into visible light. The remaining energy was lost as heat. This is why the need to improve the light bulb came.

14. Parts of a Light Bulb

15. The light bulb was improved in 1990s when they were more efficient and had longer life than the original. These were called Compact Fluorescent bulbs

16. Innovation?

17. An incandescent light bulbis made of a glass enclosure containing a tungsten filament. An electric current passes through the filament, heating it to a temperature that produces light

18. How does it work?

19. They would also need to supply electricity to power the bulbs

20. Political

21. Impacts

22. Cultural

23. As the invention of the light bulb evolved, only the powerful countries could afford to switch all the resident's gas lamps with the electric bulbs so this divided the politics of the world

24. Social

25. Invention

26. With the invention of the light bulb, the invention of many other technology was also possible such as the smartphone, television, computers, etc.

27. Environmental

28. Economic

29. The environment is affected a lot because a lot of processed material is required to make the light bulb and this affected rivers, forests, and many other landscapes because of deforestation and river dumping

30. The invention of the light bulb meant that people could continue working in large areas (factories, etc.) because they had a light source to work in. More work could be done so more goods were produced.