How Was The Identity of the Lubicon Cree Challenged?

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How Was The Identity of the Lubicon Cree Challenged? by Mind Map: How Was The Identity of the Lubicon Cree Challenged?

1. Loss of Their Language

1.1. With the amount of people coming into their community and speaking a language other than their own, it becomes difficult to both continue communication and culture

1.2. The desire to reclaim their land as their own requires them to communicate with the government. In order to do that, they need to speak a language that the government will understand, which at this point, is english.

2. Loss of Their Land

2.1. The ability to raise their children on their land is very important to the Native people. Imagine if when a person has a new baby that they were not allowed to bring the baby home and they had to raise it on the streets. That would not be the ideal situation for us, so why should the Lubicon Cree be put in that situation.

2.2. Having their land is important to the heritage and culture that shape Native groups. If a group is not allowed to stay on their land then that could completely wipe out the culture that took hundreds, even thousands, of years to build.