Ideas for site

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Ideas for site by Mind Map: Ideas for site

1. The 3 designs could be 80% as the desisn specs to make it better and more of what a good web page would look

1.1. New node

2. The web page can have usefull information that backs up mi ideas

3. The web page could have links to good web pages

3.1. New node

4. The web page will be better if it had a survey to take more feed back

5. The text could be accompanied with images to make it more intresting

5.1. There will be a bigger amount of text

5.2. images will be give credit to the text.

6. The informationn will be better if it could be provide by relaible resorse of information.

6.1. The information could contain facts as well as good info

7. The web page could have gagets so people that look at it get in to the theme better.

8. I can show the web page to diferent studients to get opinions and feedback

9. The web page could contain videos to provide good ideas and information