Brand and Anthropromorphic Marketing

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Brand and Anthropromorphic Marketing by Mind Map: Brand and Anthropromorphic Marketing

1. Brand Personality

1.1. Person Likes Brand = Loyalty

1.2. ".. use of human-like characteristics as a metaphor to describe brands"

1.3. Brand personality perceived as culture dependant

1.4. 5 Core Dimensions

1.4.1. Sincerity

1.4.2. Excitement

1.4.3. Ruddedness

1.4.4. Sophistication

1.4.5. Competence

2. Cultivation Theory

2.1. Distorted perception of Reality

2.2. Messages = Recurrent and repetitive

3. Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM)

3.1. Central

3.1.1. Persuasion alters product beliefs which influence brand attitude and purchase intention

3.1.2. High involvement

3.1.3. Strong attention

3.1.4. Conscious thoughts about product attributes end uses

3.2. Peripheral

3.2.1. Law involvement

3.2.2. Limited attention

3.2.3. Low or non-conscious information processing

3.2.4. Persuasion through classical conditioning. Effect change, attitude towards ad and non-conscious belief changes lead to behavioural attention

3.3. Anthropromorphic  Marketing

3.3.1. Personification and spokes character (communication strategy) Anthropromorphic (customer reaction)

3.3.2. Persuasiveness Likable spokes character = connection between brand and consumer