Recreational Gymnastics Event Maps

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Recreational Gymnastics Event Maps by Mind Map: Recreational Gymnastics Event Maps

1. Floor

1.1. Floor Training

1.2. Floor Blown Up Document - Skill List

2. Notes

2.1. Week 7&8

2.1.1. Review Week 1-4 Curriculum

2.1.2. Without Technique

2.1.3. Stress Fastest One Game

2.1.4. Move Quickly through skills

2.2. Archive (outdated)

2.2.1. 4 & 9 Evaluation Week

2.2.2. 1 & 6 Evaluation Week go over only yellow highlighted skills for this week The skills are also marked with a purple flag White belts have no evaluation. They should continue with their normal curriculum Notes 2&6 Evaluation Week

2.2.3. Notes 3 & 7 Evaluation Week

3. Tramp

3.1. Tramp Training

3.2. Tramp Skill List

4. Beam

4.1. Beam Training

4.2. Skill List - Weeks 1.3.5

4.3. Skill List - Weeks 2.4.6

4.4. Beam Gen Class Clips

5. Bars

5.1. Vault Training

5.2. Skill List - Weeks 1.3.5

5.3. Skill List - Weeks 2.4.6

6. Vault

6.1. Vault Training

6.2. Skill List for Printing