KPI Data Assessment

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KPI Data Assessment by Mind Map: KPI Data Assessment

1. old survey

1.1. For starters, where does the data for this measure come from?

1.1.1. from an internal source (it's all collected by CoA)

1.1.2. from an external source (it's all collected by an external entity)

1.1.3. multiple sources Oh, it comes from multiple sources... let's talk about that.

1.1.4. not sure

1.1.5. other

1.2. Great. What kind of data source is it?

1.2.1. enterprise database

1.2.2. desktop database

1.2.3. desktop spreadsheet

1.2.4. sharepoint list

1.2.5. word/pdf doc

1.2.6. other

2. question ideas

2.1. How do you enter the data into eCombs?

2.2. Is the data on Socrata?

2.3. If the data is on socrata, where is it?

2.4. when it comes to publishing on the data portal, what is your anticipated level of effort? (likert scale)

2.5. do we want to know names of data sources?

2.6. do we want to know the number of data sources?

3. other stuff

4. new survey

4.1. does the measure get calculated by someone else and we just report it to eCombs?

4.1.1. yes who does it? end survey

4.1.2. no next question

4.2. who collects the data?

4.2.1. people in my dept

4.2.2. city staff not in my dept

4.2.3. people who don't work for the city

4.3. what medium are the collectors using?

4.3.1. paper

4.3.2. digital

4.3.3. other

4.3.4. don't know

4.4. how often are the collectors collecting the data? (make sure this isn't "how often is measure reported) (make sure choices match with metadata standard)

4.4.1. more freq than daily

4.4.2. about once daily

4.4.3. weekly

4.4.4. monthly

4.4.5. qaurterly

4.4.6. annual

4.4.7. other

4.4.8. dont know

4.5. when it's time to calculate the data, what type of system is the data stored in?

4.5.1. network data system what's it called?

4.5.2. desktop/personal database

4.5.3. spreadsheet

4.5.4. other

4.5.5. dont know

4.6. What tools, if any, do you use to calculate this measure?  (pick all that apply)

4.6.1. Enterprise BI tools (i.e. MicroStrategy, Cognos, QlikView)

4.6.2. spreadsheet

4.6.3. desktop database

4.6.4. ETL process

4.6.5. good ol' pencil and paper

4.6.6. other

4.7. is the data for this measure published to the open data portal?

4.7.1. yes, and it's all in one place whats the url?

4.7.2. yes, but it's in multiple places what are the urls?

4.7.3. it's published, but not on the portal where is it published?

4.7.4. dont know

4.7.5. no why not? do any of these barriers apply? data needs to be deidentified remove sensitive data city doesn't own the data not sure it's not a priority need automation it needs to be easier

4.7.6. other

4.8. who are you?

4.8.1. name

4.8.2. job title

4.8.3. email