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Marisol Mendez создатель Mind Map: Marisol Mendez

1. Values

1.1. Caring

1.2. Personal growth

1.3. Family

1.4. Compassion

1.5. Forgiveness

1.6. Generosity

2. Multiple Intelligence

2.1. Bodily-Kinesthetic: Highly Developed

2.2. Verbal-Linguistic: Highly Developed

2.3. Visual-Spatial: Moderately Developed

2.4. Logical-Mathematical: Underdeveloped

2.5. Intrapersonal: Highly Developed

2.6. Naturalistic: Moderately Developed

2.7. Musical: Underdeveloped

2.8. Interpersonal: Moderately Developed

3. O*Net

3.1. Realistic  4- practical, hands-on problems and answers

3.2. Investigative  7- Searching for facts Figuring out problems

3.3. Artistic  6- Creativity in their work

3.4. Social  9- working with others to help them learn and grow

3.5. Enterprising  14- starting up and carrying out business project

3.6. Conventional  0- work that follows set procedures and routines

4. Successful Intelligence

4.1. Creative Thinking Skills: 20

4.2. Analytical Thinking Skills: 28

4.3. Practical Thinking Skills: 17

5. Emotional Intelligence

5.1. able to understand and deal with your own emotions, other people's emotions, and emotional situations in general.

5.2. I hold in emotions, feeling stress and anxiety.

5.3. I respond to life and its pressure with fear and insecurity rather than passion and purpose.

6. Building Excellence Learning Styles

6.1. Moderate:: More Auditory

6.2. Moderate.: Internally Motivated

6.3. Moderate: Reflective

6.4. Moderate: More Auditory Verbal

6.5. Moderate: Analytic

6.6. Strong: More Tactual

6.7. Moderate: More Visual Word

6.8. Moderate.: Alone More Preferred

7. Preferred Teaching Styles

7.1. Hands-on Presentation: I learn best wihen teachers demonstrate, assign projects and class activities to show key points.