My Self Portrait

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My Self Portrait by Mind Map: My Self Portrait

1. Learning styles

1.1. Perceptual elements

1.1.1. auditory moderate

1.1.2. visual picture moderate

1.1.3. Visual Word strong

1.1.4. Tactical Strong

1.1.5. Kinesthetic Moderate

1.1.6. Auditory Verbal Moderate

1.2. Psychological elements

1.2.1. Analytical/Global Moderately Global

1.2.2. Reflective/Impulsive Strongly impulsive

1.3. Environmental elements

1.3.1. Sound Strong sound

1.3.2. Light Bright

1.3.3. temperature cool

1.3.4. Seating moderately formal

1.4. Physiologicial elements

1.4.1. Early morning study time it depends

1.4.2. Late morning/Early afternoon Strong

1.4.3. Late afternoon Moderately strong

1.4.4. Evening Moderately strong

1.5. Emotional elements

1.5.1. Motivation eternally motivated

1.5.2. Task persistance Single task

1.5.3. conformity more conformity

1.5.4. Structure more structure

1.6. Sociological elements

1.6.1. Alone moderately preferred

1.6.2. Pair more preferred

1.6.3. Small groups more preferred

1.6.4. Large groups less preferred

1.6.5. Authority more authority

1.6.6. Variety Moderate

2. Emotional Intelligence assessment

2.1. high EQ

2.2. High performance under pressure

2.3. identify your emotions and apply them to your task

3. Values

3.1. sense of self worth and love

3.2. close and meaningful relationship with others

3.3. enjoy leading/guiding others

3.4. personal drive to achieve things

3.5. growing through experiences

4. My Next Move

4.1. 1. Social- working with others

4.2. 2. Artistic- creativity in work

4.3. 2. Enterprising- taking action in a job

4.4. 2. Realistic- working closely with others

4.5. 3. Investigative- figuring out problems

4.6. 4. Conventional- working with information

5. Multiple intelligence

5.1. Bodily-Kinesthetic

5.1.1. body and mind connection

5.1.2. highly developed

5.2. Musical-Rhythmic

5.2.1. Moderately developed

5.2.2. sensitivity to rhythm/sound in music and language

5.3. Visual-Spatial

5.3.1. Moderately developed

5.3.2. knowing relationships between objects

5.4. Intrapersonal

5.4.1. moderately developed

5.4.2. understanding yourself and your feelings

5.5. Interpersonal

5.5.1. highly developed

5.5.2. understanding others and their feelings

5.6. Verbal-Linguistic

5.6.1. Moderately developed

5.6.2. using speech or writing to convince someone

5.7. Logical-Mathematical

5.7.1. Moderately developed

5.7.2. using facts to support an idea

5.7.3. reasoning scientifically

5.8. Naturalistic

5.8.1. under developed

5.8.2. ability to categorize something

5.8.3. understand the relationship between natural organisms

6. Personality Spectrum

6.1. Organizer

6.1.1. moderate tendency

6.1.2. respondible

6.1.3. attention to detail

6.2. Giver

6.2.1. moderate tendency

6.2.2. close relationships

6.2.3. difference maker

6.3. Thinker

6.3.1. moderate tendency

6.3.2. problem solver

6.3.3. analytical/abstract thinking

6.4. Adventurer

6.4.1. moderate tendency

6.4.2. courageous

6.4.3. active

7. Preferred Teaching styles

7.1. Lecture, verbal focus

7.1.1. teacher speaks to the class

7.1.2. lesson is taught through words

7.1.3. moderately preferred

7.2. Lecture with group discussion

7.2.1. Teacher introduces material then allows class to discuss it

7.2.2. preferred over lecture more interaction

7.3. Small groups

7.3.1. Teacher introduces material then breaks class into small groups  for discussion/work

7.3.2. preferred over whole class discussion

7.4. Visual Focus

7.4.1. Teacher uses visual elements to explain a topic

7.4.2. moderately preferred

7.5. Logical Presentation

7.5.1. Teacher organizes topic in a logical way by some sort of sequence

7.5.2. preferred over lecture, verbal focus

7.6. Random Presentation

7.6.1. Teacher presents topics with no order

7.6.2. lease preferred

7.6.3. needs more structure

7.7. Conceptual Presentation

7.7.1. Teacher spends a majority of the time on key ideas/points

7.7.2. preferred over Random Presentation

7.8. Detailed Presentation

7.8.1. Teacher introduces key ideas and also goes into detail with them

7.8.2. highly preferred

7.9. Hands-on Presentation

7.9.1. Teacher uses props, demonstrations, and experiments to show key ideas

7.9.2. highly preferred

8. Preferred Study Strategies

8.1. Verbal-Linguistic

8.1.1. Read and highlight

8.1.2. outline materials

8.1.3. summarize material

8.1.4. A moderately developed skill

8.2. Musical-Rhythmic

8.2.1. create rhythms with words

8.2.2. write songs to help you remember materials

8.2.3. moderately developed skills

8.3. Logical-Mathematical

8.3.1. find patterns

8.3.2. organize material logically

8.3.3. moderately developed

8.4. Visual-Spatial

8.4.1. Draw mind maps and other graphic organizers

8.4.2. use color in notes

8.4.3. moderately developed skill

8.5. Bodily-Kinesthetic

8.5.1. moving while learning

8.5.2. rewriting things

8.5.3. play games to remember the material

8.5.4. highly developed skill

8.6. Intrapersonal

8.6.1. study in quiet areas

8.6.2. reflect on materials personal meaning

8.6.3. moderately developed skill

8.7. Interpersonal

8.7.1. study in a group

8.7.2. discuss the information and/or teach it to one another

8.7.3. highly developed skill

8.8. Naturalistic

8.8.1. put information into categories

8.8.2. look for relationships between things

8.8.3. under developed skill

9. Successful Intelligence assessment

9.1. Creative thinking (using unstructured methods) : 28/50

9.2. Practical thinking (using common sense) : 38/50

9.3. Analytical thinking (logical thinking) : 28/50