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Xhosa Wars by Mind Map: Xhosa Wars

1. were a series of nine wars

1.1. First Frontier War

1.1.1. 1779-1781

1.1.2. Xhosas and Boers

1.1.3. Allegations of cattle theft by Xhosas

1.1.4. Forcing the Boers to abandon their farms along the Bushmans River

1.1.5. Sparked by irregularities committed against the Xhosa by certain white frontiersmen

1.1.6. The Government appointed Adriaan van Jaarsveld, a highly experienced commando leader, to be field commandant of the whole eastern frontier

1.2. Second Frontier War

1.2.1. 1789-1793

1.2.2. Considerable bitterness among the eastern frontiersmen

1.2.3. The landdrosts of Graaff-Reinet and Swellendam vs Xhosas

1.2.4. Penetrated into Xhosa territory as far as the Buffalo River and captured many cattle

1.2.5. Many Xhosa clans remained in the southern Zuurveld area

1.2.6. The Government found it impossible to persuade the Xhosa clans in the Colony to go back across the Fish River

1.3. Third Frontier War

1.3.1. First British Occupation VS Xhosas-Khoikhoi

1.3.2. 1799-1803

1.3.3. A second rebellion occurred in Graaff-Reinet

1.3.4. Sent some British soldiers under Gen T P Vandeleur to crush the Graaff-Reinet revolt

1.3.5. Khoikhoi joined with the Xhosa in the Zuurveld and began attacking white farms

1.3.6. The Batavian authorities propitiated the resentment of the eastern-frontier Khoi-khoi but could not persuade the Xhosas to leave the Zuurveld

1.4. Fourth Frontier War

1.4.1. 1811-1812

1.4.2. British troops VS Xhosas

1.4.3. The Xhosas occupied the 'neutral ground'

1.4.4. Colonel John Graham took the area with a mixed-race army

1.4.5. Gqunukwebes and Ndlambes were driven across the Fish River by British troops

1.4.6. On the Colonel Graham's headquarters arose a town bearing his name Grahamstown It is one of the first towns to be established by British in South Africa

1.4.7. Which led to a renewal of the civil war between Gaika and Ndlambe

1.5. Fifth Frontier War

1.5.1. 1818-1819

1.5.2. Following Gaika’s defeat asked the Cape for help

1.5.3. Colonial forces  VS Xhosas

1.5.4. Colonial forces invaded Xhosa territory

1.5.5. The Xhosa chiefs were obliged to recognise Gaika as paramount chief of the Western Xhosas

1.5.6. 1820 settlers were established in the Zuurveld

1.6. Sixth Frontier War

1.6.1. 1834-1835

1.6.2. Maqoma and his tribe were expelled from the Kat River area, but were allowed to return to the Tyume Valley in 1833, to be expelled again almost immediately

1.6.3. Western Xhosas VS Colonial forces

1.6.4. Some 12 000 Western Xhosas swept into the Colony

1.6.5. Piet Retief managed to defeat them

1.6.6. Maqoma, Tyali and Umhala retreated to the fastnesses of the Amatole Mountains

1.6.7. D'Urban made treaties with the 'rebel' chiefs, allowing them to remain in locations there on condition of good behaviour

1.7. Seventh Frontier War

1.7.1. 1846-1847

1.7.2. Colonial force VS Xhosas

1.7.3. The defeat at Burnshill of a colonial force under Col John Hare

1.7.4. The Colonial force invaded Xhosa territory following the ambush of a patrol sent to arrest a Xhosa accused of stealing an axe

1.7.5. The Xhosas retaliated by invading the Colony and carrying off large numbers of cattle

1.7.6. The Gcaleka chief acknowledge responsibility for the attacks of the Gaikas

1.8. Eighth Frontier War

1.8.1. 1850-1853

1.8.2. The Gaikas attacked a colonial patrol at Boomah Pass and destroyed three military villages

1.8.3. Colonial force VS Xhosas

1.8.4. Comdt Gideon Joubert began the attack on the rebel Thembus

1.8.5. Amatole region had been cleared of Gaikas

1.8.6. The last Khoi rebels had been defeated

1.8.7. The rebellious tribes were moved out of the Amatole Mountains to locations in British Kaffraria and their lands given to white settlers

1.8.8. el gobierno británico consideró que sería demasiado caro para mantener esta nueva frontera, por lo desanexión de nuevo a la Kei se produjo en 1864.

1.8.9. The British government felt it would be too expensive to hold this new frontier, so disannexation back to the Kei occurred in 1864

1.9. Ninth Frontier War

1.9.1. 1877-1878

1.9.2. The Colony  VS  The Gaikas, the Gcalekas and the Thembus

1.9.3. Kreli was allowed to return to the Transkei, but the Gcalekas were forced to share their old lands with the Mfengus, whom they despised.

1.9.4. The Gaikas were joined by the Gcalekas in an attack on the Colony and gained support from the Thembus

1.9.5. Appointing a new ministry under Gordon Sprigg in its place

1.9.6. Kreli's forces were defeated at Kentani, and Kreli surrendered

1.9.7. the boundaries of the Cape had been peacefully extended to the Mtamvuna River

2. or

2.1. Cape Frontier Wars

2.2. Africa's 100 Years War

3. date

3.1. 1779–1879

4. Belligerents

4.1. European settlers vs Xhosa tribes

5. tensions between

5.1. Empire administration and colonial governments

5.2. the various Europeans in the Cape region

5.3. the Xhosa tribes