Emotional States

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Emotional States by Mind Map: Emotional States

1. Thalamus

2. Amygdala

3. What do emotions affect?

3.1. Everything

4. Chemicals

4.1. Good or Bad

4.2. Related to types of emotions experiencing

4.3. Cortisall - hormone (makes you go "uh-oh") - overactive HPA pathway

4.4. Dopamine - produces pleasure but can make you still

5. In classroom

5.1. ubiquitus -- everything we do is state dependent

5.2. pool of states that dictate our actions

5.3. There is no such thing as a unmotivated student

5.4. stressed out students will fight thir learning -- become argumentative

6. Fight, Freeze, Flee, Faint

7. Stress

7.1. Hard to process and store information

7.2. reactive state vs. receptive state

7.3. yes state vs no state

7.4. nearly impossible to learn

7.5. centered in the hypocampus

7.6. Brief stress - is good for learning - "you" stress

7.7. Long, sustained stress - not goos for learning - distress

7.8. can make you resilient

8. Treat

8.1. violence

8.2. emotionally threatened

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10. Hypothalamus

10.1. Origin of stress response

11. Fear/Threat, Joy/pleasure, Sadness/Disappointment, Anticipation/Curiocity

12. Stable emotional states

12.1. We are supposed to have a range of emotions

12.2. can be problematic

13. summary: emotions mediate meaning --> therefore, the framework for our day. good learning engages feelings, they are the result of "lifetimes of wisdom"To foster education, you must engage the right emotional states at the right time. They serve a purpose and are not to be ignored or suppressed. too often we falsely believe that emotions are irrational and the opposite of logical thinking