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1. Make

1.1. the "make" is in use in the sense of making, of elaborating or to create.

1.1.1. verb to make * to make

1.2. we  use the verb "make"for constructing,bullding or creating.

1.3. "Make" is often used when refering to preparing tood of any kind.

2. make a speach                                        make a exception                                  make an ofter                                        make an confession.

3. Examples

4. *make breakfast/lunch/dinner

5. make a dress , make furtuniture

6. expresions make

7. to make a bet                                         to make a cake                                       to make a cancellation                           to make a hole                                       to make a mistake                                 to make a suggestion.

8. make a scene                                         make a plans                                           make an offer                                          make a phone call                                  make a trouble                                      make a house.

9. Student:                                                    Mariluz Iguavita Valdes                          ID 348407                                              English three                                          27 september 2016

10. make a scene                                         make a plans                                           make an offer                                          make a phone call                                  make a trouble                                      make a house.

11. make a scene                                         make a plans                                           make an offer                                          make a phone call                                  make a trouble                                      make a house.

12. Examples

12.1. I'm not doing any thin today. He does everything for his mother she's doing nothing.

12.2. "DO" is often used when refering to work of any kind.

12.3. * Do your work       *Do homework           * Do your job

13. Used Do

13.1. they are verbs that get contosed, so then, since both traslate "to do".

13.2. Do. the actions, works,and activities is in use in a wide sense, since as, like realizing.

13.3. "Do" for General ideas

14. we use the verb "do" when someone performs an action,activity or task.

14.1. do a crossword

14.2. do the laundry

14.3. do the washing up

15. Used the verb "Do"

16. when speaking about things in general.

17. describe an action whithout saying exactly what the action is.

18. this form is often used whit the words "something, nothing,anythig, everything,etc.

19. *what are you doing today?                     * I'm not doing anyting.

20. Important Expresions whith Do

21. the are a number of standdard expressions that take the verb "do"

22. *do the dishes                                         * do well                                                 *do your workst                                       * do a favour.

23. *do a crossword                                     *do the laundry                                       *do the washing up

24. Expresions                                               *do wonders                                           * do research                                         * do damage