
Overview of TEDx SanFrancisco. Where to get ticket, schedule, speakers,...

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Overview by Mind Map: Overview

1. Schedule

1.1. 4 sessions

1.2. 26 topics

1.3. See the full schedule here

2. Speakers

2.1. "A full day of game-changing TED speakers, pushing the frontiers of our knowledge and making lifelong connections."

2.2. See the full speaker list here

3. Tickets

3.1. Use the promotion code "JN" for a 10% discount

4. When?

4.1. Thursday, 6th of October 2016

4.2. Starting 9.00am

4.3. Ending 5.45pm

5. Where?

5.1. San Francisco

5.2. The Herbst Theatre, San Francisco War Memorial & Performing Arts Cente

6. Channels

6.1. Facebook

6.2. Instagram

6.3. Twitter