Media Convergence and Participatory Culture

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Media Convergence and Participatory Culture by Mind Map: Media Convergence and Participatory Culture

1. Media

1.1. different technologies

1.1.1. different media platforms Televison, YouTube, Snapchat, Twitter Cell Phones

2. Covergence

2.1. Merge or bring together

2.1.1. Video game-> Book-> Movie fuels the inevitability of innovation

3. Remix Culture

3.1. Everything is a Remix

3.1.1. Origin of all information An origin for everything that has been done or is being done

4. Broadcast Culture

4.1. Instant Reaction

4.1.1. Some are actively consuming while some or lurking

5. Voluntary Participation

5.1. Take part in social interactions of media

5.1.1. Commenting on videos Liking Pictures

6. Involuntary participation

6.1. Lurkers who are observing all the media

6.1.1. Don't have to comment or like Just watching videos, not liking pictures Monetary Value ie: a view or a click

7. Participatory Culture Fuels Media Convergence