Session 1: What do entrepreneurs see that others don't?

Session 1: What do entrepreneurs see that others don't?

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Session 1: What do entrepreneurs see that others don't? por Mind Map: Session 1: What do entrepreneurs see that others don't?

1. Tim O'Reilly

1.1. Why We'll Never Run Out of Jobs

2. Theresia Gouw

2.1. How entrepreneurs can help the American Dream get its mojo back

3. Michael Zeisser

3.1. East and West: building the bridge

4. Stanley Li

4.1. Winning in China, a different world

5. Kara Swisher

5.1. Breaking up is hard to do: how entrepreneurs fail

6. Homer Hans Bryant

6.1. The Hiplet™ Ballerinas, the ballet disruptor

7. Hiplet Ballerinas

7.1. Live performance