7 Aspects of Civilization

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7 Aspects of Civilization by Mind Map: 7 Aspects of Civilization

1. The father was the leader of the house and he could sell his wife and kids into slavery if they wanted . Parents arranged there kids marriages

2. Location & Agriculture

2.1. Shang/Zhou

2.1.1. Shang/Zhou River Civilization

2.1.2. Shang/Zhou Civilization is located in china were there borders extended as far south as the Chang Jiang River and east to the Yellow Sea.

2.1.3. Soil was extremely fertile and easy to work. Making farming easy

2.1.4. Grew millet until the build and irrigation system that could support rice. The grew many types of rice.

2.1.5. There Civilization was protected on all sides by natural feature like the rivers and desert

2.2. Sumerians

2.2.1. Civilization map

2.2.2. Located between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers

2.2.3. The Sumerian Civilization was located near present day Southern Iraq (Baghdad)

2.2.4. It was located in the fertile crescent which alowed them to grow barley, chickpeas, lentils, millet, wheat, turnips, dates, onions, garlic, lettuce, leeks and mustard

2.2.5. It rarely rained there and the river flooded at  inopportune times like when the food is about to be harvested.

3. Social and Family Life

3.1. Sumerians

3.1.1. Made up of four social classes: nobles, commoners, clients and slaves.

3.1.2. The highest Sumerian social class were the priests and slaves were at the bottom

3.1.3. By the type of clothes and how much jewelry you wore you could tell someones class. The higher up you were the more elegant you dressed

3.2. Shang/Zhou

3.2.1. The Zhou Social Hierarchy is Divided Into Three Main Groups, the King at the top, With the Prince, and Nobles Underneath

3.2.2. The Shang Dynasty Social Structure is Divided Into Four Groups as Well, With the King, Again at the top, Then the Military, and Then the Artisans Underneath, Followed by the Peasants

3.2.3. The Shang Artisans Were the Most Respected Group, Having Controlled Small Settlements and Villages

3.2.4. The Zhou Nobles Were Divided Into Five Minor Groups, Being the Gong, Hou, Bo. Zi, and Nan,

4. Arts and Education

4.1. Sumerians

4.1.1. They used different bloods from animals and berries to make colors.

4.1.2. They made cylinders which are much like today's necklaces. They could be worn around to show who you are.

4.1.3. The Sumerians used many different types of clay to make statues of the gods they praised.

4.1.4. Most of the learning took place in a temple and was taught by a priest.

4.2. Shang/Zhou

4.2.1. Education was taught orally to younger children by the elders.

4.2.2. They started by learning hieroglyphics in the temples.

4.2.3. They started using piece-molded castings instead of using wax for art.

4.2.4. Many of the symbols used during this period of time are still used in China today!

5. Religion/Spirtuality

5.1. Sumerians

5.1.1. There was no organized set of gods in Sumer - each city-state having its own patrons, temples, and priest-kings

5.1.2. The Nether World Was Their Form Of Spirit World Where The Dead Would Come From Their Graves To Be Judged

5.1.3. Living Could Enter The Nether World Through Entrances in Cities, But Required A Replacement To Escape

5.1.4. They Believed Their Role in Life was to Serve The Gods

5.1.5. Sumerian Artifact, Likely Used During Funerals or Worship. True Purpose Unknown

5.2. Shang/Zhou

5.2.1. Began Confucianism and Taoism

5.2.2. Confucianism is Viewed as a Religion but Many who Practice it Consider it a Lifestyle Choice

5.2.3. Taoism is a Very Confusing Religion to Learn, as many Concepts and Beliefs Conflict With Each Other

5.2.4. Confucianism's Main Principle is Signifying One's Good Character Traits With Ritual Norms

5.2.5. Taoism Money Tree Artifact, Used To Represent Wealth

6. Economy and Trade

6.1. Shang/Zhou

6.1.1. Agriculture is very important  to them but fishing became pretty popular

6.1.2. Hand craft art like bronze statues, Porcelin, and Silk fabric was made for trade

6.1.3. Used new iron tools to increased harvest Causing a food surpluses and pop. increase

6.1.4. First Civilization to mint coins and use currency

6.2. Sumerians

6.2.1. Trade was very important to the Sumerians. The traded in Mediterranean and the Prsian Gulf

6.2.2. Used the Tigris and Euphrates river to move people and goods to other Civilizations

6.2.3. Traded textiles and crops to laces like Asia-Minor and Iran, where these goods were exchanged for stone, metals, and timber

6.2.4. Their economy was based on Agriculture

7. Government and Leadership

7.1. Sumerians

7.1.1. War chiefs began to rule as kings as city-states battled for dominance.

7.1.2. The kings formed dynasties which were carried on by their families when they died.

7.1.3. Usually the priests were the kings and or rulers of the city-state.

7.1.4. Hamarubi Honored the Gods and Allowed Priests to Obtain Power

7.2. Shang/Zhou

7.2.1. They believed in a social hierarchy and they left an emperor in charge.

7.2.2. Like the Sumerians, they had regional rulers who were very wealthy.

7.2.3. Confucian ideals changed this social hierarchy after the Zhou dynasty.

7.2.4. The Shang dynasty was a monarchy in which the king was a lawmaker and a judge.

8. Science And Technology

8.1. Shang/Zhou

8.1.1. Created Gold and Iron Inlays

8.1.2. Shang Battle Armor

8.1.3. Created Armors and Weapons like Chariots

8.1.4. Created Silk from Silkworms

8.2. Sumerian

8.2.1. Created Three Different Boats, One Made Out of Animal Skin and Reeds, One Wood With Ore Paddles, and One With Bitumen for Waterproofing

8.2.2. Also Created Bronze Casting for Better Tools and Armor

8.2.3. Many Constellations Were Mapped by Sumerians

8.2.4. Created a System Of Weights and Measures That was Used Until The Roman Period

8.2.5. Summerian wheel